Request your accreditations in large quantities and receive them within 24 hours.

As an organizer, accreditations become essential; we generate them for you

Accreditations are one of the crucial components for any event aiming to stand out and maintain order in its execution. This implies that if you are in charge of organizing a training event, fair, or congress, you most likely require them as identifiers for speakers, organizers, staff, and even attendees depending on the nature of the event.

For your attendees, high-quality badges in Valencia

As you well know, if the event is of an important level and you require that your participants be identified, do not hesitate and entrust us with the task of making accreditations of excellent appearance and with the guarantee of people who have proven to be responsible and with mastery of graphic art and printing.

Badges and their different functions to make your event a success

The vital thing about these identifiers that go on a lanyard and that hang to make them visible, is that they function as documents that allow to recognize who carries them in a simple way. This is evident when distinguishing the role of each person in that activity that you plan to carry out with your staff. As well as they are suitable to restrict the entry to unauthorized persons.

The benefits of acquiring your badges with our printing company

1-Personalized badges generally have classic measurements (10.5 x 15 cm), or as it is also classified A6. The orientation of these is as you decide or suits you. Whether horizontal or vertical. Now, if for some reason you want other dimensions, we will gladly make them.

2-So that you can choose, we offer you a few options in terms of materials to make them, such as coated ones that can be of different thicknesses, graphic cardboard or recycled ones that are in vogue. Likewise, PVC ones, which are synthetic. And if you want a finish such as gloss or matte glazed, we have it for you.

3-To please you, we have alternatives such as offset in the CMYK system so that you have a wide range of colors that will provide you with the choice and to make your accreditation with the shades you want.

4-We are fast and we fulfill our commitments, that is an advantage that is at your disposal. In addition, you will have strict quality control so that your accreditations are optimal. The idea is that you have your printed elements in record time.

5-In our workshops you will find the machinery you need so that your printed materials such as accreditation devices are first class. Since we are up to date with cutting-edge technology so that our work benefits you.

6-Accreditations are printing components that allow the proper functioning of your activities. That is why we personalize them and give them life with effective qualities. It is part of our specialty to do things well so that you have success in your events.

7-Whether these are business, cultural, training such as seminars and congresses. Likewise, political or exhibition events. They all fit in with what we carry out.

Whatever you require your accreditation to have, we will please you, with quality materials and fast delivery.

In our company we are able to print these elements with a QR code to facilitate entry control. Also the data that you wish to incorporate such as graphic images, logos, name and surname, position or occupation, if you are a participant or speaker, among others. As the printing company of solutions, we can solve a lot of problems and satisfy your demands as the organizer of that brilliant event.

Become our friendly client and trust our work to make your prints

We have everything you need to bring your ideas to life. Whatever you have in mind, from your experience as an event organizer we can make it a reality. Visit us at Calle Algepser 20 Nave 7 – Poligono Tactica – Paterna – Valencia email:; phone: 963356036. With everything you need for greater effectiveness.

Don’t wait any longer and contact us.

Obtén impresiones de calidad y a buen precio

Si estás interesado en nuestros servicios de impresión, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. En nuestra imprenta, entendemos la importancia de trabajar dentro de un presupuesto y por eso ofrecemos precios competitivos y flexibles, nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarte a elegir la opción de impresión más adecuada para tu evento y asegurarse de que se ajuste a tus necesidades y presupuesto.

Ellos confiaron en nosotros

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