Acquire your personalized complements with whatever you want to add, that’s what we’re here for
Lanyards serve a function that, although it might seem unimportant, allows badges to be easily visible. Furthermore, they are equipped to carry any badge or accessory that individuals want to have at hand. If you’re involved in organizing various types of events, we recommend customizing them with your logo or whatever you prefer to give them marketing power.
With speed and efficiency, we elevate the quality of your lanyards
What we offer in our printing shop are swift and effective actions, always driven by commitment. These exceptional neck hangers are crafted using the silkscreen technique, which allows for up to 2 inks to apply the colors representing your brand. At Imprenta Eventos, we take pleasure in pleasing and supporting you with what is suitable and beautiful.
A merchandise item that promotes in a big way, we create it for you
If you also require the base to complete the identification, we can make those too and add whatever is necessary. Similarly, these useful straps can act as promotion vehicles across their surface. It’s worth mentioning that we work magic through graphic design and printing on your various event objects. That’s what we offer, so your name and brand linger in attendees’ minds for a long time.
A bouquet of options for you to choose your model with the attributes you want
If variety in choosing the most fitting printables is what you desire, our workshops produce various lanyard models for you to select from. Additionally, the length and width of the ribbon can range from 1.5 to 3 cm. Of course, within that space, we can breathe life into whatever you want, such as your logo or accompanying slogan.
Effective advertising through lanyards.
As the visible head of event organization, you know very well that every element involved in corporate, educational, cultural, or any kind of events should provide advertising benefits. For that reason, you cannot overlook these ribbons or neck hangers that can promote your interests alongside their practical use.
You can trust in our work; we always respond with satisfactory solutions
Since our inception in the early 2000s, our printing shop has set and achieved goals. One of these is being swift and efficient. This translates into peace of mind and confidence for clients managing various event types. It makes us a company that offers you reliable service guarantees.
More benefits for you with lanyard printing
We provide you with a wealth of benefits tailored to your needs, ensuring you promptly receive guaranteed top-quality devices. With state-of-the-art machinery and a dedicated team, you’ll have those first-class lanyards in your hands in no time. This is a commitment we’ve made and continue to uphold in our facilities.
We’re here for you; come and see
With budgets tailored to your needs and a guarantee of efficiency, we provide the best service and offer support in the design area if required. Enjoy the advantages of working with us and acquiring top-notch components.
Find us at Calle Algepser 20 Nave 7 – Poligono Tactica – Paterna – Valencia, email:; phone: 963356036.
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