Specialists in printing professional bibs for the success of your event

You, who are the organizer of that event, we have top-notch race bibs for you


If you’re the organizer of a sports event or a similar activity that requires devices and items to complement the smooth progress of planned activities, our print shop is here to assist you in manufacturing and printing the necessary elements, including race bibs that are essential for participant identification. These must possess certain fundamental characteristics to fulfill their function, and we are experts in mastering them.

We help you bring your event to life with spectacular bibs made with the best materials and a fast and experienced team

We know the pending tasks and responsibilities you have on your shoulders as a vital part of the organization and execution of such events. Therefore, we put at your disposal race numbers with luxury attributes and affordable prices. The important thing is that you trust us with this task and take care of other vital aspects. Since, we have everything ready to take care of the amount of printed elements that you require.

Your competition event has bibs guaranteed from our workshops

If you want that event that you have planned with such care to stand out with race numbers with striking colors and that are also unbreakable and waterproof, we will please you by giving them all the attributes that make them shine and stand out. Our race numbers are designed for competitions such as open water swimming, running races, Trail running, Duathlons and Triathlons. If it is a dance competition, we also make them with the same characteristics.

Today we show you some qualities of the bibs we make for your excellent events:

1-The bibs generally have specific characteristics since they are waterproof, very resistant, and must be seen or read from a certain distance. This is to identify who wears it.

2-We make them with what you need for your specific activity, we can add names, numbers, QR or bar codes.

3-The high quality of printing with which we produce these great bibs, gives them that magical touch that makes them different. Since we have advanced technology machinery and certified inks that make these devices beautiful pieces.

4- We like to count on your creativity and the contributions you have in mind to generate original bibs full of aesthetic attributes. Your ideas and experience count when it comes to generating those necessary identification components. That is why we invite you to personalize your bibs for competitive events with us.

5- They are very effective in highlighting your brand and logo if they are placed in the appropriate place on the printed surface.

Come to our offices and feel what we can do for you and your event.

Whatever the type of competition, the vital thing about your printed elements is that they shine and have the qualities you are looking for for them. That is, that the competitors feel happy and pleased with these devices. And on the other hand, show on their numbers what suits you as the main figure in the articulation and take advantage of these elements.

Make your corporation and your personal brand stand out successfully

If we refer to the impact of these excellent numbers that we put at your disposal, we find that they are suitable for advertising and for the visualization of your organization and your personal brand. It is something that we have been doing and will continue to do so that your events are up to your expectations. Make what you have in mind a total success, with our work.

More advantages for you from us

For you who are involved in this complex task of putting an event together, we have implemented a process for generating these wonderful components that begins with the preparation of detailed and fair budgets. As well as strict quality control so that these devices are close to perfection. All of this with the work of a team that is always motivated to support you as a printing company.

Speed ​​and guarantee of quality and beauty in one place

A very important aspect is that we are fast at making these elements and we guarantee quality and beauty in your bibs. We can personalize them to give them that unique touch that you want for everything you do. You can also visit our workshops and share the passion that we put into what we do. You can find us at Calle Algepser 20 Nave 7 – Poligono Tactica – Paterna – Valencia email: contacto@imprentaeventos.com; phone: 963356036.

Don’t wait any longer and contact us.

Obtén impresiones de calidad y a buen precio

Si estás interesado en nuestros servicios de impresión, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. En nuestra imprenta, entendemos la importancia de trabajar dentro de un presupuesto y por eso ofrecemos precios competitivos y flexibles, nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarte a elegir la opción de impresión más adecuada para tu evento y asegurarse de que se ajuste a tus necesidades y presupuesto.

Ellos confiaron en nosotros

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