Printed foam board near you. Check its price

If you’re the organizer of a major event, we’ve got the devices you need, including foam boards


There are fantastic accessories to support your events, and among them are foam boards. If you’re the organizer of political, cultural, sports, educational, or other events that require these high-quality printed elements, we’re here to provide them for you. Whether it’s for presenting a check of any size, awards, and more, let us create them with all the attributes you’ve envisioned.

A display for your events that has qualities and the power to catch eyes. We provide you with more information quickly

Being in touch and knowing these devices of this type of material is a reality in the different events that are held today. Foam board is like coupons, discount checks and more. However, today we present them to you as part of your events where a significant number of people will attend who are motivated to participate in what you planned.

Its unique characteristics make foam board the product you need for what you planned

Due to its characteristics of being rigid and at the same time light, this material based on expanded polystyrene sheets covered in cardboard is in vogue in the world of graphic arts. Since it has qualities that make it eye-catching and easy to use. The truth is that its use is very suitable to reinforce the scope of events.

Look at the advantages of acquiring your printed foam board elements in our printing shop:

*It is solid and easy to handle. Light and resistant. That makes it a candidate to be an element of frequent use.

*Because of its light and eye-catching nature, it is a great choice for countless activities planned with attendees.

*It is ideal for recognitions. Awards, checks. Also as an informative sign for the meeting place, bathrooms, sections of the physical spaces of the event and more than what you require due to its characteristics.

*It has a pleasant effect on people. If you come to our workshops, you will be surprised by what we achieve with them. Sharpness and good resolution are part of what we guarantee. Where what you want the attendees to see will stand out. Such as your logo, your event proposal or your corporate and personal messages.

*The idea is that we personalize them with whatever you want. Likewise, if you require guidance in this regard, you have a professional design team at our printing shop at your service.

*In the size you need it with the details you decide, we will please you.

*We have for you as an organizer the finishes that will make you feel super good. Glazed, full color, double-sided printing. And whatever you have planned. Ask and you will get positive answers.

*Your budget will be adapted to what you want. With the specifications of the case and complying with the standard of serving our customers as a priority.

Attributes, price and designs, a top-notch tripod that carries your foam board

This spectacular display will meet your expectations. Because of the bunch of attributes it has. In addition, we do it with quite competitive prices and with A-1 materials such as certified inks. We put at your disposal cutting-edge machinery that makes your components with great precision. In addition, we are connected with your objectives as a client so that everyone wins.

Look for us so that your activities are a success from our printing shop. Print with the help of professionals

We have a fast process that makes things easier for you when holding your events. Since, we know how complex you have ahead of you as an organizer of such events. For that reason, we act quickly and guarantee you first-class devices. Find us by any means you wish and you can visit us and soak up our energy and good service at Calle Algepser 20 Nave 7 – Poligono Tactica – Paterna – Valencia email:; phone: 963356036

Don’t wait any longer and contact us.

Obtén impresiones de calidad y a buen precio

Si estás interesado en nuestros servicios de impresión, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros. En nuestra imprenta, entendemos la importancia de trabajar dentro de un presupuesto y por eso ofrecemos precios competitivos y flexibles, nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarte a elegir la opción de impresión más adecuada para tu evento y asegurarse de que se ajuste a tus necesidades y presupuesto.

Ellos confiaron en nosotros

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